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Area Schools & Churches

If you are planning on moving to Wasaga Beach and have school age children, here is a list of the schools in the area.

Elementary Schools

Birchview Dunes Elementary
1315 River Road West
Junior Kindergarten – Grade 8
2000/2001 Enrolment: 820
Teaching Staff: 42

Worsley Elementary
31 40th Street South
705-429-2552 Junior
Kindergarten – Grade 8
2000/2001 Enrolment: 500
Teaching Staff: 20

Silvercrest Christian School (Private)
3267 Mosley Street
Kindergarten – Grade 8
2000/2001 Enrolment: 55
Teaching Staff: 4

St. Noel Chabanel Catholic School
425 Ramblewood Drive
Junior Kindergarten – Grade 8
Enrolment: 335
Teaching Staff: 20

Secondary Schools

There are four high schools accessible to residents of Wasaga Beach.

Elmvale District High School
88 Lawson Street, Elmvale
705- 322-2201
Grade 9 – OAC
2000/2001 enrollment: 570
Teaching Staff: 35

Collingwood Collegiate Institute
6 Cameron Street, Collingwood
Grade 9 – OAC
2000/2001 enrollment: 1,450
Teaching Staff: 82

Jean Vanier High School
60 Collins Street, Collingwood
705- 445-2043
Grade 9 – OAC
2000/2001 enrollment: 730
Teaching Staff: 46

Stayner Collegiate Institute
Highway 26 East
Grade 9 – OAC
2000/2001 enrollment: 560
Teaching Staff: 38

Nursery Schools and Day Care Centres

Birchview Dunes Elementary School (YMCA) / 705-429-5999
Wasaga Beach Co-operative Nursery School / 705-429-4228
St Noel Chabanel School (YMCA) / 705-429-0546

French Language School Board

Le Conseil scolaire public de district du Centre-Sud-Ouest
116 Cornelius Parkway, North York Ontario, M6L 2K5
Phone: 416-614-0844 / 1-888-538-1702

Wasaga Beach Area Churches

The attached document contains the names and phone numbers of a number of our local churches and non-denominational groups.

Visit these links: